The Hookblast Podcast – Bonus Episode 2 – 2021


This week we feature “Damn Honey” by Simon Fagan, “Power of a Woman” by Jason Masi, “Coward” by Troy Rayme, “Every Single Day” by Jennifer Daniels, and “MonsterMouth” by 9giants 

Coming Soon
Which was the best song on episode 74 of The Hookblast Podcast
Which was the best song on episode 74 of The Hookblast Podcast
Which was the best song on episode 74 of The Hookblast Podcast


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The Hookblast Podcast is a weekly, ten-minute show where we discover a few new catchy songs together. You add the ones you love to your own streaming playlists or subscribe to mine here:

I only play the hooks (you know, the catchy parts) so you never have to sit through an entire song if you’re not loving it.

The Hookblast Podcast uses Music Xray to source the featured songs. Music Xray combines music analysis software, machine learning, and the crowd-sourcing of industry professionals & fans to identify high potential songs & talent.

Show written by: Mike McCready
Contributing writer: Shlomi Hoss & Steve North
Curated by Courtney Minor
Edited for audio & video by Jesse McCoy
Legal: John Benemerito
Published: July 12, 2021

Hey this is Mike McCready, your host on this Bonus episode 2 of 2021. Season 4 has ended. Endings are hard. Speaking of which, if I’m ever on life support, just unplug me….  wait 5 seconds and plug me back in…. see if that works.

Season 5 of the show gets started in August and in the meantime, I’ve got some bonus episodes for you here in July and this is the second one. This is the 10-minute weekly podcast where we discover a few new catchy songs. You add the ones you love to your streaming playlists or follow mine at That’s also where you go to vote for your favorite song on today’s show.  The song with the most votes two weeks ago, on on episode 73 was Hold Steady by Park Place Collective.

OK.  As you can hear…. we’re already playing some hooks.  You’re listening to Irish singer/songwriter, Simon Fagan. Apparently, he likes molasses and corn syrup, and sugar… but he hates the damn honey.  I think it has something to do with about 500 bee stings but I’m not sure.   This is Damn Honey.

Oh.. OK.  I guess maybe I misunderstood that song.  It’s not about actual honey.  But I did get stung by a bee last week…. well maybe not last week… ok well I was 8 years old at camp but I still remember it like it was last week.  Well, it’s a great song anyway.

OK.  Up next is Jason Masi (Massee) with his song about the power of a woman. Heh…. I know all about that… although my wife says I don’t look good in her clothes.  I’m trying to be more powerful. Masi says this song can apply to new relationships, marriages, breakups, female empowerment scenarios, male and female bonding, … he can even hear it being played on a catwalk…. or a dog RUN…  or a turtle RACE.  Anyway, this is Power Of A Woman.

…Even the bonus episodes of The Hookblast Podcast are brought to you by Music Xray. Musicians can open a free account and upload all of their original music. Music Xray will automatically tell them if there are industry professionals actively looking for music that sounds like theirs. It’s like magic. For artists, it’s like asking Alexa who, in the industry, is looking for a song like theirs. But you have to be careful… the other day I asked Alexa why I always screw up with the ladies. ……   she said, This is Siri, you idiot!”Yeah… well… it’s kinda nice to have two women fighting over me.

Anyway, this is the life advice section of the podcast and since this is a bonus episode, I guess this is bonus advice.  OK. OK.  This is a rule I live by….  If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it, how bad of a decision can it really be?  I think some of the folks enjoyed me streaking at the get-to-know-your-neighbor pot-luck luncheon festival. And that’s today’s tip. You can thank me by leaving a 5 star rating and a clever review in your favorite podcast app.

OK. Here we go with the third song of the day. Troy Ramey wrote this song, called Coward. Troy says the song was written for the book Restless Waters, by NY Times Bestselling Author Jessica Park. It’s about being honest with yourself about what you want, and deciding that you’ve been a coward for the last time.I’ll tell you,… I’m never again going to be scared off my property by a stupid Freddie Kruger mask…. and I know the kids was only 3 years old but he really nailed Freddie Kruger’s voice.   Anyway, I came right back…. the following week.

Behind that we have Jennifer Daniels singing about her single days. Speaking of being single, I have friend who bragged to me about his one-night stand.  I was like, dude, when you get married you can buy two nightstands…. one for each side of the bed. Anyway, this is Every Single Day.

O-OK, I think I may have jumped to the wrong conclusion based on the song title.  I don’t think that’s about Jennifer’s single days.  It sounds like, I don’t know…. more like a song about the fulfillment that can be found in a couples’ love even through the passage of time. Love that starts young and full of surprises becomes vintage and comfortably worn… and before your wife says something like, I don’t know, tells you to take off that stupid Elvis Costume even though you just spent $200 on it and thought it would turn her on. and then she calls you a money waster and you call her a control freak.  And then she make you sleep on the couch in the living room for… well actually I’m still sleeping there. Well anyway… 

OK. Up next, Nine Giants are here with their song Monster Mouth. The band says the beat for this song was inspired by a street musician banging on buckets. This song was inspired by an episode of the TV show, Dexter.  I admit to liking Dexter. In fact, recently my doctor told me he thinks I have the body of a 35 year old,  I told him I’m just a fan of the show… I don’t actually keep bodies around.

This is Monster Mouth.

OK.  That’s all the time we have for this Bonus Episode 2 of The Hookblast Podcast.  All songs are used with the permission of the rights holders. If you like this show, please leave a five-star rating and a clever review in your favorite podcast app.  Oh, and maybe you can help me out with something. Is it “Fleek”? Or “On Fleek?”  I..I want to do my grandfather’s eulogy to come out just right. I’ll see you right back here next week with a fresh batch of new hooks.  Bye Bye.


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