The Hookblast Podcast – Episode 59


This week we feature “Spider Eyes” by Kelby Dover, “What If” by Tia McGraff, “Corona Covid” by The Mob Squad, “Six Beers Ahead” by Ron Wallace, and “Carry Me Through” by John Thayer

Coming Soon
Which was the best song on episode 59 of The Hookblast Podcast
Which was the best song on episode 59 of The Hookblast Podcast
Which was the best song on episode 59 of The Hookblast Podcast

At the time of publishing the following songs were not available on the streaming services but can be found at the following URL’s:

Spider Eyes by Kelby Dover:

Six Beers Ahead by Ron Wallace:

Carry Me Through by John Thayer:


Show link:

Vote for your favorite hook here:

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Submit a song for consideration here:

The Hookblast Podcast is a weekly, ten-minute show where we discover a few new catchy songs together. You add the ones you love to your own streaming playlists or subscribe to mine here:

I only play the hooks (you know, the catchy parts) so you never have to sit through an entire song if you’re not loving it.

The Hookblast Podcast uses Music Xray to source the featured songs. Music Xray combines music analysis software, machine learning, and the crowd-sourcing of industry professionals and fans to identify high potential songs & talent.

Show written by: Mike McCready
Contributing writer: Steve North
Curated by Courtney Minor
Edited for audio & video by Jesse McCoy
Legal: John Benemerito
Opening Song: Jiggle Wiggle Party by Lance
Published: March 22, 2021


Hey this is Mike McCready, your host on episode 59 of The Hookblast Podcast. And if all the other podcast hosts make fun of you because you didn’t go to a top tier podcast host school, just remember, it’s ok to give yourself a cool nickname to make yourself feel better. Take it from me, The Songersizer!! I worked my way there. I tried The Melody Maven, The Juicy Jazz Man… and the Song Cat, and and The Delicious DJ. But I think The Songersizer wins. The Songerciser always wins baby!

This week’s Tok Tok Dancer is Paula Grueso and you can check out her moves by checking out the video version of this podcast on YouTube or by navigating to That’s also where you can vote for the song you like best on today’s show. Or leave praise and compliments for the host with a phone number in case I get lonely.

This is the podcast where we discover a few new catchy songs. I only play the hooks so you never have to sit through an entire song you don’t love. Kinda like what I do with my wife… I get dressed up, I put out some cologne, I give her a sexy look… and that’s it.. we’re done. Anyway, you add the ones you do love to your own streaming playlists or subscribe to mine.  You rock out all week, and the next week, we repeat.

I hope your week is off to a good start. Mine is.  This morning I walked into a bank with a mask on,     I demanded money…..  and they gave it to me. They didn’t wanna mess with me. Well. Actually, I was making a deposit so I gave them the money. Actually, the mask was for covid and required in order to go in. So, basically i just made a normal deposit and it went fine. So that was pretty cool. I’ll be doing that again soon.

OK. I like to jump right into it so let’s play some hooks….
First up on the show today is a song by writer Howard Henderson and performer Kelby Dover. This is called Spider Eyes.

That’s Spider Eyes.  The other day, I killed a spider running across the floor with my shoe.  Yeah, I don’t care how big you are… no one takes my shoe!!

OK. Coming up next is a song Tia McGraff wrote with her husband Tommy, and their good friend Dinah who hadn’t written songs together since their publishing days in Nashville… back when fewer people knew how cool Nashville is. So they got together over Zoom and they wrote “What If”

OK. Coming up behind What If is a song called Corona Covid.  If you haven’t ever done the Corona Covid, it goes like this….  that only cost me a thousand dollars at Diana’s Dance Studio.  Anyway, Corona Covid is     by a band called The Mob Squad and it’s their message encouraging everyone to take the virus seriously and to slow the spread.  Let’s check it out.

Following that is a song by returning writer Launnie Ginn. You know, they say drinking a can of beer shortens your life by 9 minutes. By that calculation, I died sometime in 2012. Well, I meet if you count Root Beer, and A Niquil twice a year. And one time I OD’d on asparagus. Well anyway, This is artist Ron Wallace with Six Beers. It’s about a fellow who makes drinking his highest priority. 

Carry Me Through is a song John Thayer wrote shortly after his mother died a few years ago.  Anecdotally, John is the brother of Tommy Thayer, the lead Guitarrist in the rock and roll hall of fame band, KISS.  You might have heard of them.

That’s a nice song.  Saying goodbye to a loved one can be really difficult. But sometimes, it’s the only way to survive a rock climbing catastrophe. Well, you know, at Chuckie Cheese…  you know you’re several feet off the ground and my nephew was grabbing at my clothes and my pants were coming down…. it was me or him.

Ok. That’s all the time we have for episode 59 of The Hookblast Podcast. All songs are used with the permission of the rights holders. In order to continue creating this podcast, they say my audience has to grow in size. So, I want to recommend a diet high in carbs and sugar and three trips a day to Cinnabon.  hahahaha  I crack myself up. OK. I would appreciate it if you would help me grow the audience by thinking of one person who can use a few new catchy songs in their life and share this episode with them. I will catch you right back here next week with a fresh batch of new hooks. Bye bye.


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