The Hookblast Podcast – Episode 61


This week we feature “Hard to Love” by Dave Scott & Roy Angel, “Frozen” by Kevin O’Heron, “Take Me to France” by Believe Over Hope, “There’s a Darkness in Your Sunshine” by Stephen Edgerton, and “Grits and Gravel” by Michael Lusk

Coming Soon
Which was the best song on episode 61 of The Hookblast Podcast
Which was the best song on episode 61 of The Hookblast Podcast
Which was the best song on episode 61 of The Hookblast Podcast

At the time of publishing the following songs were not available on the streaming services but can be found at the following URL’s

Frozen by Kevin O’Heron:

Take Me to France by Believe Over Hope:

There’s a Darkness in Your Sunshine by Stephen Edgerton:


Show link:

Vote for your favorite hook here:

Rate and review the show:

Submit a song for consideration here:

The Hookblast Podcast is a weekly, ten-minute show where we discover a few new catchy songs together. You add the ones you love to your own streaming playlists or subscribe to mine here:

I only play the hooks (you know, the catchy parts) so you never have to sit through an entire song if you’re not loving it.

The Hookblast Podcast uses Music Xray to source the featured songs. Music Xray combines music analysis software, machine learning, and the crowd-sourcing of industry professionals and fans to identify high potential songs & talent.

Show written by: Mike McCready
Contributing writer: Shlomi Hoss
Curated by Courtney Minor
Edited for audio & video by Jesse McCoy
Legal: John Benemerito
Opening Song: Jiggle Wiggle Party by Lance
Published: March 29, 2021



Hey this is Mike McCready, your host on episode 61 of The Hookblast Podcast and the only guy in Manhattan, well, in my building, who truly understands salsa.  That's right.....  I attended a socially distanced salsa class this weekend. Everyone else was dancing. I was the only one who brought tortilla chips... you know... for the salsa.

Aanyway, This is the podcast where we discover a few new catchy songs.  I only play the hooks so you never have to listen to an entire song you don't love.  The hook is what we call the catchy part of the song. You add the songs you DO love to your own streaming playlists or follow mine at You rock out all week and the next week we repeat.

OK.  You can probably tell, I'm kind of energized today. You probably read in my newsletter that last month I won a Grammy.  Well, I wrote the newsletter before the awards show and it turns out I was a little overconfident. I didn’t win so... that’s embarrassing. 

Turns out, I wasn’t even nominated again this year,  apparently, which is really disheartening. It's frustrating because I was overlooked for a Golden Globe for my flat-earth documentary. Golden Globe.... Flat Earth.... I think the bias is baked-in right there. They probably didn't even watch it and not just because it went straight to mail-order VHS and YouTube. Cuz... I sent them two copies and I emailed them links on social media and everything so, I think something's up there. 

OK.  Let's play some hooks. 

Here's a song that will take you right into summertime. It's about a woman who was very hard to love.... but I bet the guys still pursued her...  I mean,... that's what we do..... always after the ones I can't ha- that we can't have.  

This is Dave Scott and Roy Angel with Hard To Love.

Behind that is a song about someone searching for answers and not getting the answers due to those around him being more self-absorbed than a narcissistic sponge.  heeheehee I thought of that. More self absorbed than a narcissistic sponge...  I'm a genius.

This is Kevin O'Heron with Frozen 

That song has kind of a dark feel to it, doesn't it?... b-but I hate it when people call me up just to complain about what’s going on in their lives...  that’s why I quit my my job as a 9-1-1 operator... well actually I got fired. It was all about them.  My hair is on fire. Someone is breaking into MY house. Mike, if you don't return MY car I'm calling the police. 

On the heels of Frozen, we have a song by the band Believe Over Hope, a song the band leader wrote for his wife to express his desire to take her one day to Paris.  I too once wrote a song for my wife about my dream of taking her out for sushi... over at the strip mall AND pay for my half.

This is Take Me To France.  

Ok.  If you like that song, you'll probably love Ed Sheeran.  You know, you can navigate to episode 61 at and vote for the song you like most in today's episode. The song with the most votes two weeks ago on episode 58 was I Want Your Kisses by CeeVeeJane. 

This is the best podcast to listen to on your home speakers. Just ask Google, Siri, or Alexa to play the hookblast podcast with Mike McCready. 

Returning singer/songwriter Stephen Edgerton is up next with his song,  There's A Darkness In Your Sunshine
Stephen Edgerton says that sometimes people who appear to be all sunshine and roses are hiding a darkness that eventually comes out. Kinda like my family... we appear to be full of sadness and depression but what eventually comes out is more sorrow and despondency.

Pulling up the rear on episode 61 of The Hookblast Podcast is Grits and Gravel by Michael Lusk. Michael adds the comment that he does not endorse eating grits and gravel together and that he'll be following up this single shortly with his upcoming hit called, "Why I Can't Get Dental Insurance"...  ok, I made that up... I'm on fire today! heehee hee 

That's great....  if you enjoy that you also probably like Brad Paisley and Dierks Bently who, I don't have to tell you are.....  well, two guys..... oh.... and they're also country singers.

OK. That's all the time we have for episode 61 of The Hookblast Podcast. I hope you have a great week.  I don’t know about you but I’ve started venturing back outside. I've started going back to the park to play chess with elderly men... but it's becoming increasingly harder.... to convince exactly 32 of them to get on the board and be the pieces.   But it’s nice to be getting back to normal. Please share this podcast with everyone from your book club and on github. Remember, all songs are used with the permission of the rights holders.  I'll catch you right back here next week with a fresh hatch of new books. Dammit! A fresh batch of new hooks. Anyway. Bye bye.

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