The Hookblast Podcast – Episode 54


This week we feature “Westside” by Dean Maupin, “Parachute” by ALWZ SNNY, “Cigarettes & Beer” by Alan Baxter, “Playing Our Song” by Orlando Dixon, and “So Far Away” by Su’uka.

Coming Soon
Which was the best song on episode 54 of The Hookblast Podcast
Which was the best song on episode 54 of The Hookblast Podcast
Which was the best song on episode 54 of The Hookblast Podcast

At the time of publishing the following songs were not available on the streaming services but can be found at the following URL’s:

Show link:

Vote for your favorite hook here:

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Submit songs for consideration to be played on the show here:

The Hookblast Podcast is a weekly, ten-minute show where we discover a few new catchy songs together. You add the ones you love to your own streaming playlists or subscribe to mine here:

I only play the hooks (you know, the catchy parts) so you never have to sit through an entire song if you’re not loving it.

The Hookblast Podcast uses Music Xray to source the featured songs. Music Xray combines music analysis software, machine learning, and the crowd-sourcing of industry professionals and fans to identify high potential songs & talent.

Show written by: Mike McCready
Contributing writer: Shlomi Hoss
Curated by Courtney Minor
Edited for audio & video by Jesse McCoy
Legal: John Benemerito
Published: February 15, 2020


Hey this is Mike McCready, your host on episode 54 of The Hookblast Podcast and I’ve been traveling and don’t have my usual microphone with me, which is why I might not sound as cool as I usually am, er I mean do. Today’s TikTok Dancers are Ruth & Darren, and you can see them doing their thing by navigating to episode 54 at or by checking out this podcast on YouTube.

You, you have to be extra careful when you travel these days.  There are like 30m confirmed cases of COVID in America now.  Yeah, that’s a lot.  I feel like that number could easily be halved… just by… you know… dividing it by 2. Yeah. It’s not rocket science.
Anyway, I’m pretty excited today because I impressed my father in law this past weekend. Yeah. I like to be on his good side, you know.  When we met, he said he felt so lucky when his daughter met such a great guy.  But that relationship didn’t work out so you know, anyway… I try to always be on my best behavior.  I spent the day with him and his friends at his golf club here in Florida and I know I impressed him because afterward, he confided to my wife that it takes a lotta balls to golf the way I do.

Yeah. I’d never even played before and apparently, I beat the course record for the best score. Yeah… they don’t want me to come back cuz you know, I guess it’s not fair to the other players…. if you can call them that.  They said they’d never seen anyone sink a ball on their 7th putt.  So yeah. I got the most points. So I guess I’m just naturally good at anything I do.
OK. Now, let’s play some hooks…..  they said I’m really good at that too. Duh.
This is Westside by Dean Maupin.

That’s a great groove about a, I don’t know… girl who lives on the west side of town?

As you know, this is the podcast where we discover a few new catchy songs. You add the ones you love to your own streaming playlists or subscribe to mine at You rock out all week, and the next week we repeat. You’ll know I’m the best podcast host in the whole history of podcast hosts because by the end of each episode there’s a new song or two you’ll want playing on repeat in your headphones… or… if you just like me, you’ll know too. Everybody likes me. I’ve been catching on.

Up next is a song by an artist who goes by ALWZ SNNY and believe it or not, this is the first song he ever wrote and that was less than a year ago.  Fans of Marshmello and Avicii will love this.  ALWZ SNNY leaves out a few vowels when he spells his name and says he’s invented a new EDM subgenre that he wants to call   ‘Country Dance’ (I think there’s already a genre called that) Anyway, it’s because it has country inspired undertones, guitars, and storylines, merged with Electro Pop.  Well that’s different.  When I was a musician I merged jazz and funk… I called it JazzUNK but it didn’t catch on. The media called it junk. Yeah, not nice.  My therapist says I’m obsessed with vengeance….  well we’ll see about that!
This is Parachute.

Speaking of parachutes…. I haven’t been skydiving yet here in Florida but I plan to, and I got a great deal on a second hand parachute on Craigslist. It’s only been used once.  And never opened. So,… I know a good deal when I spot one. 

OK, next up on the show today is a country song by Alan Baxter about love, loss, smoking cigarettes and, drinking well… alcohol…. cuz, no good story ever started with someone eating a salad.
This is Cigarettes and Beer

That’s Alan Baxter…. and remember to navigate to episode, 54, at to vote for your favorite song on today’s show.  Two weeks ago, on episode 52, the song with the most votes was Things Change by Steven Gary.

OK…. If you’re a fan of Justin Bieber or Usher you might like this next song. It’s by artist Orlando Dixon…..  now that’s a cool name. Not as cool as Mike McCready. but you know… no one is. Right?

Anyway, this is a song about running into your ex at a party when the song you fell in love to is playing in the background.  That’s awkward. Kinda like when I was at the grocery store the other day and the girl at the register said “Strip down, facing me”…  turns out she was talking about my credit card.   But at least I got a date.  Well..  ok it’s a court date. But she’ll be there.
This is Playing Our Song

Ok..  Before I give away today’s last hook, you know, FOR FREE again, I want to let you know that this podcast is brought to you by Music Xray. I get a lotta emails asking me to play certain songs… cuz I’m famous now. There’s a link in the menu for song submissions at and from now on that link will always be in the show notes…. as long as I remember. 

“So far Away” is the name of a song artist Su’uka wrote about her highschool crush… he wasn’t so into her but she pursued him and later just wished she hadn’t. This song is about the regret of the chase. I know something about that. Girls always want guys to chase them…  word of advice… not so much if you’re holding a knife. That turned into another court date. I started carrying a knife after a mugging attempt a few years ago.  Yeah. Since then, my mugging attempts have been a lot more successful.

This is Su’uka with So Far Away

Ok. That’s all the time we have for episode 54 of The Hookblast Podcast. All songs are used with the permission of the rights holders. Please share this episode with a friend or two who can use a few new catchy songs in their life. I’ll catch you right back here next week with a fresh batch of new hooks. Bye Bye.


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